"I'm thirsty like a Wolf and I bite, and bite."


There is no knowledge of exactly when Erevis came to be, but he is the third son of the Ner’zhul clan. A clan known for commanding legions of hellhounds and other canine-esque denizens, they fall somewhere in the middle of the Voidsent hierarchy. The first son, crowned prince manages the family's small kingdom in the Void. The second son is tasked with expanding their control by conquering enemies. While the third son, Erevis, doesn’t have to abide by the same rules as his older brothers. They get to keep their hands clean because their little brother happily does all the dirty work. Every sin eater and beast under the Ner’zhul clan's command was captured and trained by Erevis, so they all obey to him first and foremost.Normally, he’s kept on a ‘leash’ in the Void, but one of their experiments escaped, and he was sent to retrieve it before it fell into Garleans hands or worse. However, now that Erevis has arrived in Eorzea, he is in no rush to find his bounty and return home--in fact, he may never leave this new playground.



Erevis can be very charismatic due to his regal upbringing despite his rough exterior. When dealing with others, he is polite, social and doesn’t mind people approaching him for random conversations. The mistake people make is assuming that because he is social that he is very kind, unfortunately, his charm is all for show. He can be ruthless when it comes to his pride in his clan and wanting to increase their power. Centuries of taming and training mindless beasts have influenced his mannerisms to emulate the creatures he handles. Moreover, due to these similarities, he would be considered more sin eater than voidsent had it not been for his intellect.


Aether Eater
Enhanced: Senses, Strength, Speed, Stamina, Reflexes
Master Animal Tamer
Master Hunter and Tracker
  • Long flammable tongue (Firebreather)

  • Sharp teeth/ claws

  • Three tails: Scaled, Sentient, Intelligent, and Vicious

  • Tails always appear as just one.

Data Center: Crystal
Home Server: Brynhildr
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Availability: Summer: Open
Plots: Accepting
Discord: ASK
Mare: Ask
21 + ONLY


Beast Mode

Erevis is a bounty hunter. When hunting, he is barely distinguishable from the four-legged creatures under his command. For the right bribe, he will hunt down anything from people and animals to artifacts.

Attack Mode

Erevis doesn’t mind confrontations since this bloodlust plays a big part when hunting. However, he’s not hot-blooded, so if you want to fight him it is going to be a challenge to get him interested if your character isn’t someone on his prey list.

Tamer Mode

Erevis has a knack for interacting with non-sentient quadraped creatures and typically prefers their company to mortals. He can be hired to help tame/train any creatures, especialy voidsent and sin eaters.


Although this character is completely DTF and open to random hookups, I require an OOC conversation to make sure that we’re on the same page beforehand. Moreover, it will help us properly explain DOs/DONTs, and anything in-between, to avoid misunderstandings. It is also important to read through his F-LIST to get an idea of possible instances that could take place when interacting with him in an intimate setting.Erevis is a dominant character and a sadomasochist, heavily leaning on the sadist part. Erevis likes what he likes. If your character catches his eye, they will know. If not, don’t push it because it won’t end well. Due to his nature, I don’t mind plotting ERP relationships as long as the characters are compatible. However, if they become fuck buddies that does not equate to a serious relationship to Erevis. So, keep that in mind.

Erevis is loosely based on the hellhound Cerberus. Many of his mannerisms and logic mimic those animalistic traits. Moreover, instead of having three heads, he has three tails. Like Cerberus’s heads, each tail has its own personality for how they interacts with others.

First Tail: Impatient and Sassy
Second Tail: Rough and Curious
Third Tail: Patient and Bloodthirsty

The first tail is always a participant in ERP settings. The second depends on the mood. The third rarely makes an appearance and it’s not always a good thing when it does. In normal appearances, his tail looks like a very long scaly sharp tipped tail similar to an aura's. However, Erevis can control the length, size, and tip shape of each tail.

Some Non-Negotiable Nos:
Underaged IC & OOC
God Modding
Blurring IC & OOC

Ghostwriter Notes

This is a roleplay character and not an accurate representation of any canon character in FFXIV. Interactions with this character can potentially be NSFW involving mature and dark themes such as gore, horror, profanity, ERP, etc. I am open to various types of plots, but I also like random interactions that play out organically.Real life will always take precedence over RP things. Therefore, I expect to be respected if I need a break or if it takes me a while to get to certain replies. The same sentiment will always be returned to any RP partner I have. If, for whatever reason, you don’t like the pause in interactions or I have upset you in some way, communicate this to me so that I may speak on my behalf.Don’t assume that I’m disinterested. I will tell you if that’s the case. I don’t care how long a thread hangs in limbo. I am always willing to pick up where things left off or start something new even if the previous threads aren’t finished. Communication is essential and I will always let my RP partners know when I am not up for new interactions or need to pause any current ones.Please don’t break the 4th wall. I put a lot of information about my character in this carrd to help people get a better idea of who the character is and how someone might interact with him.I can be reached through Discord for OOC conversations and plotting. If we are already on a server together, you may DM me, otherwise, ask for Discord information.
